As we approach fall in earnest now, especially here in the Sierra Foothills, I am taking a moment to look back at all that has been taken care of, transpired and manifested at the farm and shop during summer and really the entire year of 2024 so far!
What a whopper it has been!!
We have basically finished the farm house bathroom this month including a tub wash station which will become super handy when we harvest leafy herbs like lemon balm, comfrey and mullein etc...
The Gypsy Moon Caravan (my mobile office at the homestead) has been fully re-stained and sealed. All decks and stairs too have been stained in preparation for winter.
Plus, we are (too late again! Yikes) in full "splitting wood" mode as well. I have become a lover of "machines" LOL... boy they are so handy around the farm!! Our splitter "Lil' Beaver"actually makes the work easy... Yes! I know! I give all our machines a name and it makes Tunde' smile.
The Greenhouse is getting ready to receive new plantings of turmeric, ginger and a lemon tree as well as our new seed starting area with cozy sitting area to just hang and dream of spring when it gets really cold outside.

We are adding more thyme, rosemary, mullein, comfrey, lavender, oregano, plantain and lemon balm etc to start fully covering our needs for the Lung Comfort formula, Sparkle your Kid formula and our soon to come our heart formula: Calm Your Heart.
Being able to grow some, or even all, of the herbs we need has been a long-standing desire of mine! Over 25 years ago, I knew I had to decide between being the grower OR the medicine maker... no way to do it all at the start of building the business. Getting my hands back into the earth is truly a passion and also saves my sanity after days of running a business with all its licensing, health department, paying bills and ordering... you get the picture!
Another wish, and a basic need at this point: An ATV to handle heavy loads up and down the hill! We purchased a grass mowing tractor (poor man's ATV!!!) and lovingly call him "Lil'Red"! Took the blades off and hitched up a trailer for hauling things around the property! My back is so thankful :))
Dasi and I are working intensely on our Dental Emergency Kit release. So please stay tuned! I have worked and waited for so long for this kit to be manifested and we are almost there! Wauuu! I know you will appreciate this new product as much as I do. It represents years of holding space for its timely arrival :))) More to come very soon! I promise!!! LOL
All of us are rotating vacation time now to recharge our batteries after the fast pace this year has been up to this point... and more to come!!!!
Sarah has been to Germany visiting her family, Blake is in Scotland until the middle of September to support her daughter Azi to get settled at college- an adventure for all of them!!! And Tunde' and I will finally get our turn in November when the farm is quieting and settling down for the darker months ahead.
We are so0o looking forward to just "being"- resting, reading, knitting, collaging, yoga practicing and more resting... it's going to take a few days for us to relax into this open space, I am sure!
May this find you happy, healthy and at peace and we hope you can take some reflective time to yourself as nature transitions into fall...
Many many blessings to all of you, dear family!