It's been awhile!
Unfortunately, when life has other plans (aka the Goddess has a good laugh) our social media, newsletters and blog posts take the hit!
Life gets rowdy for sure!!

Ups and downs with taking care of an elder, family visiting from Germany, demands of the farm and homestead... and YES! Watching my infamous sweetie on the stage :), harvest and medicine making, hours watering to mitigate the heatwave we are experiencing, the construction of the new washing room/station in the Farmhouse....
You get it!
And Blake and I are not tech people to boot! We learned, we sweated, we are doing it.. BUT.. it's a bit like pulling teeth (pun intended!) to drag us away from the plant allies and its work and have us sit down to put it all into words and offerings!
So, we have fantastic news: We are getting help! Yay! A dear friend of Rupam's will be our new media angel and help us out with "everything communications" starting mid August! Keep tuned, you will hear more about this very timely and creative collaboration!
We will continue to add little educational videos to each product and are hoping to complete that project by the end of the year! (I am sure the Goddess laughs and chuckles as I write this!) Famous last words and all that... LOL
For all of our Farmers Markets lovelies: We are switching it up!! We are taking a break from our Saturdays in Oakland and have been invited to participate at the Marin County Mart Farmers Market in Larkspur instead.
It's a new adventure, especially for Linda (my sassy market angel :) She is looking forward and is excited to see new faces and surroundings.
The day and time stay the same as Oakland: every other Saturday from 9am to 2pm. You can find all relevant info on our website under Find Us or email us with any questions at info@rupamherbals.com.

We, here at the apothecary, are very aware that times are chaotic, seem dark and uncertain to say the least!
It seems to come at us in literally all areas... politics, health, finances and so much more that will be very personal to each of you!
Take care of yourself... It is more important than ever to take in good nourishment via wholesome foods, herbs, water and rest including time away from the internet and wifi. Take a "bath" in the frequency of your garden, forest or waterways. Keep your spirits high. Have a spiritual practice.
Smile. Often!! There is much to be grateful for... ALWAYS.
Our own interest and motivation is to support, to be of service and above all to hold space for love, humor and self-reflection. We believe THAT frequency will undermine much of what is coming at us while staying aware and awake to navigate (the minefield of misinformation and lies) as gracefully as possible. Pray. Often.
May all beings dwell in the heart; May all beings be free from suffering; May all beings be healed; May all beings know their wholeness; May all beings be happy and at peace.
Blessings on your journey dear fellow traveler,
Rupam, Blake, Sarah, Linda and Tunde'