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Rupam's Herbals, herbal medicine, dental solutions

Ode to Caregivers

Writer's picture: Rupam's HerbalsRupam's Herbals

Life, as it is prone to do, threw some unexpected curves our way in the past months! As herbalists and medicine makers, we feel blessed to spend our "work" days in our gorgeous apothecary, handcrafting formulas that support the health and vitality of our communities both close and far. A large piece of what initially drew us to become plant practitioners was the desire to devote our lives to be in service of others. Lately, we have been invited to walk that path both in the apothecary and our home spaces.

Mom's temporary home

For Blake, that means continuing to parent her three children through the maze of current events and rapid pace of life, but for Rupam the recent changes have been more abrupt. This past spring, she said goodbye to her dear papa in the same week that her mother had the first of what would be two accidents leading to her permanent move into Rupam's homestead. Rupam was simultaneously called to mourn the loss of her father and offer round the clock care for her mother, which she continues to provide. As we weave through these days as full time caregivers while lovingly being in service to all of our clients and customers, we are ever thankful for the herbal allies that we rely upon. As a mother juggling children ranging in age from 8 to 20, Blake is a humble devotee of our Ashwagandha Tincture, our Traditionally Yours Tea and our Elderberry Extract. Ashwagandha both calms the mind and uplifts the mood, easing daytime fatigue, stress, and anxiety so that nighttime sleep is deeper and more restorative. Sipping Traditionally Yours Tea during the day alkalizes and nourishes the body, strengthening hair, skin and nails as it moves toxins out of the body. And for us parents, it's important to strengthen our immune systems because when we get sick, the whole household suffers! Rupam relies on our teas right now as well! In her mind there is nothing as soothing or enlivening as a "cuppa!" Being as hot as it is in the Sierra Foothills right now, she turns her cuppa into ice tea with lemon and a little honey or maple syrup!

California Poppy Organic Herbal Extract

We are in the middle of so much transition and change worldwide as well as in our personal lives that at times it can touch on a lot of anxiety and feelings of complete overwhelm! A couple of Rupam's most loved allies are California Poppy and St John's Wort. California Poppy soothes mental anxiety and muscle tension as well as being a fantastic sleeping aid (depending how much you take) while St. John's Wort has such a deep relationship with light that it can "remind" our true self of its own light in all situations. Soothing and caring for ourselves with our beautiful breast oil Lady Nada goes way beyond the actual health benefits it provides to the chest tissue. It is nourishing to the emotional heart and helps us to slow down as well as activate our creative juices.

Fresh Organic Lemon Balm Tincture

Due to the cascade of adrenaline and cortisol that our bodies release in times of stress and anxiety, systemic inflammation and digestive discomfort often accompany challenging times. There is nothing like our Turmeric and Ginger combo (one squeeze of each) to combat joint pain, digestive issues and protect the physical heart. Lemon Balm is a fantastic addition here as well. It is not only a calming antiviral, but it specifically supports those of us who experience digestive dis-ease as a result of stress and anxiety. Living in the woods of Nevada City, Rupam is well aware of the constant threat of wildfires and smoke inhalation in the summer and fall months. We created our Lung Comfort formula for anyone else who also lives with smoky air and its burden on our lungs.

Ambrosia - Wild Oat and Damiana Herbal Extract

Living beautifully, with grace in all times despite what might be thrown into our paths is a lifelong pursuit for us here in the apothecary... with the understanding that while we often have no control over the obstacles that arise, we are responsible for how we respond to them! Ambrosia is one of our magical creations that helps us to experience ourselves in the moment as more in tune with our true nature, our creativity and our sensuality. Lastly, stress and challenges affect every aspect of our minds and bodies, including our teeth and dental tissues. Supporting the holistic care of our mouths is Rupam's specialty and what opened the doors to Rupam's Herbals. Our One Drop Only Toothsoap and our Daily Dental Rinse allow us to properly, safely and lovingly care for our teeth and gums. Thank you for bringing us into your lives and allowing us to walk beside you on your journey of vibrancy and healing. May we all heed to call to nourish our own selves as we are pulled in to care for others in our lives.


Rupam, Blake and the Rupam's Herbals Team


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