The Dreamtime Kit
Enjoy deep, restful sleep, and sooth your nervous and digestive systems with these following organic remedies: 3 oz. of Divinely Tulsi Tea, 2 oz. of Swedish Bitters, 2 oz. of Sweet Dreams Drambui, and 1 oz. of California Poppy.
Suggested Use
Divinely Tulsi Tea - Drink freely throghout the day. Follow brewing instructions on label.
Swedish Bitters - 1 teaspoon in a small amount of hot or warm water (or herbal tea) about an hour after dinner.
Sweet Dreams Drambui / California Poppy - 3 to 6 dropperfulls of Sweet Dreams Drambui (start with the higher dose and adjust downwards until you find what works for you) and 1 dropperfull of California Poppy in a small amount of hot or warm water at bedtime.